Learning Event

Effectiveness of supply chain approaches on decent work outcomes: launch of new review report

  • Date: 29 May 2024
  • Time: 13:30 - 15:00 BST

Learning Event summary

Join us for this learning event where we launch our new Evidensia systematic review report: ‘Effectiveness of supply chain sustainability approaches on decent work outcomes. A systematic review of evidence in agriculture and apparel sectors’. This study was commissioned in partnership with Rainforest Alliance, IDH and ISEAL, with additional funding support from Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO.

Decent work is one of the most challenging areas to advance on in the sustainability landscape. Whilst the global dynamics of trade, business, growth and transnational supply chains have generated employment, “decent work” eludes a large majority of workers worldwide.

Over the last 20 years, several market-based approaches – such as voluntary standards, company codes of conduct, collaborative agreements and accords – have emerged to advance on decent work within specific sectors and supply chains.

The aim of our research was to study the effectiveness of such interventions in the agriculture and apparel sectors for workers in low- and middle-income countries.

In this webinar, lead researchers Dafni Skalidou and Carlos Oya will share findings from this systematic review. We will host a panel discussion to bring in a range of perspectives emerging from our findings.

Key questions we will explore include: What are the key insights for how supply chain interventions can be more impactful? Where should companies and voluntary tools focus their efforts and resources on decent work? Where are the critical research gaps in this field?

Dafni Skalidou | Independent research consultant
Carlos Oya | Professor of Political Economy of Development | SOAS University of London
Elva López Mourelo | Project Manager | International Labour Organization (ILO)
Rachel Cowburn-Walden | Global Head of Human Rights | Unilever
Andreas Kratz | Director Products, Programs & Policy | Fairtrade International
Joris Oldenziel | Executive Director | International Accord

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