Environmental and economic impacts of better cotton: a panel data analysis

Empirical study
Journal article

Published April 2019 by Springer-Verlag GmbH. Authored by Zulfiquar, S., Yasin, M.A., Bakhsh, K, Ali, R., Samiullah and Munir, S.


The authors examine the effects of Better Cotton Initiative certification on the economic and environmental sustainability of cotton grown in Pakistan’s Punjab province. They find that certification increases gross margin and yield, and is associated with higher labor and reductions in fertilizers, pesticides, and irrigation.

Research detail

Environmental and economic impacts of better cotton: a panel data analysis

Empirical study
Journal article

Published April 2019 by Springer-Verlag GmbH. Authored by Zulfiquar, S., Yasin, M.A., Bakhsh, K, Ali, R., Samiullah and Munir, S.

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