The impact of sustainable certifications on coffee farming practices: A case study from Tarrazu Region, Costa Rica

Empirical study
Research report

Published July 2015 by University of Copenhagen. Authored by Kraus, E.M.E.


This study investigated the impact of Fairtrade, C.A.F.E. Practices, and Rainforest Alliance Certification on implementation of “greening” practices such as use of agrochemicals and use of shade trees in coffee fields. The researcher found that farmers who belonged to certified cooperatives were generally unaware of their participation in the certification programs, making it difficult to attribute changes in farming practices to certification status. Rainforest Alliance Certified farmers reported increased use of vegetation barriers and banning of certain agrochemicals as a result of certification. The study found that the capacity of cooperatives to provide technical assistance to farmers is key to increasing the “greening” impact of certifications on farming practices.

Research detail

The impact of sustainable certifications on coffee farming practices: A case study from Tarrazu Region, Costa Rica

Empirical study
Research report

Published July 2015 by University of Copenhagen. Authored by Kraus, E.M.E.

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