SECO’s engagement in sustainable landscape approaches: Beyond a single crop focus

Briefing or opinion

Published January 2023.


This position paper aims to build a common understanding of the sustainable landscape approach as it pertains to the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and its partners. This living document starts with a broad definition of the sustainable landscape approach, unpacking building blocks that include joint agreements by relevant stakeholders in the landscape. The paper goes on to discuss key elements for success in implementing landscape approaches, including jurisdictional buy in and support by the local authorities, cross-company collaboration and buy in to invest in the medium to long term beyond their supply chains, and multiple sources of financing from public and private sources.
Research detail

SECO’s engagement in sustainable landscape approaches: Beyond a single crop focus

Briefing or opinion

Published January 2023. Authored by State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO