Making international standards more credible: the case of the FSC forest management label

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Research briefing

Published February 2019 by CIRAD. Authored by Piketty, M.-G., Garcia-Drigo, I., Romero, C. and Tabi Eckebil, P. P.


The global organisation Forest Stewardship Council (FSC International) regulates the FSC forest management label, which is translated into national standards according to the context in each country. The initial version of the Principles and Criteria for this label, published in 1994, was revised and, in 2015, new Principles and Criteria were published, along with a list of generic indicators. This new version should be used to update national standards. This issue of Perspective proposes recommendations for drafting these new national standards and reviewing certain audit procedures. The study's recommendations are illustrated with specific cases in Brazil, Indonesia and the countries of the Congo Basin.
Research detail

Making international standards more credible: the case of the FSC forest management label

Descriptive information
Research briefing

Published February 2019 by CIRAD. Authored by Piketty, M.-G., Garcia-Drigo, I., Romero, C. and Tabi Eckebil, P. P.

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