Accounting for the Gaps in Labour Standard Compliance: The Role of Reputation-Conscious Buyers in the Cambodian Garment Industry

Empirical study
Journal article

Published November 2009 by Palgrave journals. Authored by Oka, C.


The paper draws on data collected by ILO/ Better Factories Cambodia, and on semi-structured interviews conducted by the author to explore the effects of multi-stakeholder initiatives (MSI) on compliance with labour standards.The author finds that the presence of MSI buyers, such as the Fair Labour Association (FLA) or the Ethical Trading Initiative, as well as Better Factories Cambodia significantly increased compliance with labour standards. No presence of Better Factories Cambodian alone had also a significant positive effects, but minor than when other MSI were present.

Research detail

Accounting for the Gaps in Labour Standard Compliance: The Role of Reputation-Conscious Buyers in the Cambodian Garment Industry

Empirical study
Journal article

Published November 2009 by Palgrave journals. Authored by Oka, C.

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