Time for Transparency: Deforestation- and conversion-free supply chains

Monitoring report
Research report

Published May 2024 by CDP . Authored by Samberg, L., Sawicki, T. and Ukropcova, V.


Companies that produce or source agricultural or forestry commodities must eliminate deforestation and conversion of other ecosystems from their supply chains to meet near-term climate and nature targets as well as comply with emerging regulatory requirements. This report focuses on companies’ performance and progress towards achieving deforestation and conversion-free (DCF) supply chains. The report analyses the CDP’s forest questionnaire data of over 1,000 companies using standardised indicators developed in 2023 by CDP and the Accountability Framework initiative (AFi). The report provides a baseline view of companies’ current capacity to understand and control deforestation and ecosystem conversion associated with their operations and supply chains, and provides recommendations for how companies and others can support improved reporting.

Research detail

Time for Transparency: Deforestation- and conversion-free supply chains

Monitoring report
Research report

Published May 2024 by CDP . Authored by Samberg, L., Sawicki, T. and Ukropcova, V.

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