Briefing Paper: Delivering more by insetting through nature-based solutions

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Research briefing

Published July 2024 by Nature-based Insights (NbI) and World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF-UK) . Authored by Girardin, C., MacKeith, J., Fordyce, A., Van Eetvelt, S., Cockett, C. and Baldwin-Cantello, W.


This report focuses on the concept of ‘insetting’ strategies in land-based natural raw material supply chains and how insetting with nature-based solutions (NbS insetting) can increase integrity, deliver benefits beyond carbon, and address risks and opportunities related to climate, nature and people. It explores the evolution of insetting and then presents its characteristics, as well as the risks, challenges, and management responses involved.  The report presents a number of case studies to explore what a high-integrity NBS insetting project looks like, and highlights the need for collective action on developing a rigorous, standardised, accountable insetting framework.

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Briefing Paper: Delivering more by insetting through nature-based solutions

Descriptive information
Research briefing

Published July 2024 by Nature-based Insights (NbI) and World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF-UK) . Authored by Girardin, C., MacKeith, J., Fordyce, A., Van Eetvelt, S., Cockett, C. and Baldwin-Cantello, W.

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