Towards sustainable cocoa in Côte d'Ivoire The impacts and contribution of UTZ certification combined with services provided by companies

Empirical study
Research report

Published 2018 by Wageningen Economic Research and LEI Wageningen UR. Authored by Ingram, V., van Rijn, F., Waarts, Y., Dekkers, M., de Vos, B., Koster, T., Tanoh R., Galo A., Ingram, V, van Rijn, F, Waarts, Y, Dekkers, M, de Vos, B, Koster, T and Tanoh R


This study was commissioned and financed by UTZ, IDH and Nestlé and looks at the impacts and contribution of UTZ certification combined with services provided by companies. Using household survey in combination with qualitative data, the authors explore the effects of UTZ certification and services provided by companies on productivity, income and profitability, living and working conditions, child labour, soil and water quality and waste management. They conclude that UTZ certification alone has not led to impacts such as improving farmers’ livelihoods beyond poverty levels and assuring social risk-free cocoa. However, they find that the combination certification plus training and a high intensity package of has led to higher levels of productivity and incomes. Findings suggest that although certification falls short of general expectations, it has generally contributed to improving farmer’s knowledge and implementation of good farmer agricultural, social and environmental practices over time.

Research detail

Towards sustainable cocoa in Côte d'Ivoire The impacts and contribution of UTZ certification combined with services provided by companies

Empirical study
Research report

Published 2018 by Wageningen Economic Research and LEI Wageningen UR. Authored by Ingram, V., van Rijn, F., Waarts, Y., Dekkers, M., de Vos, B., Koster, T., Tanoh R., Galo A., Ingram, V, van Rijn, F, Waarts, Y, Dekkers, M, de Vos, B, Koster, T and Tanoh R

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