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Published 2016 by Elsevier Ltd.. Authored by Schuster, M and Maertens, M.
Sustainability Issues:
Outcomes of Interest:
Specific Themes:
Sustainable Development Goals:
The increasing adoption of electric vehicles (EV) is growing demand for battery raw materials including lithium, cobalt, nickel, and manganese. The potential for Voluntary…
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This report examines the fashion, apparel, and textile industry’s reliance on a linear ‘take-make-waste’ model, highlighting its unsustainability in meeting climate, nature, and…
The growing environmental footprint of agri-food production demands changes in both demand and supply. Demand-side efforts encourage eco-friendly behaviours, such as adopting more…
This report examines the growing complexity of global seafood supply chains and the associated environmental and social risks, including Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU)…